Gothic Wiki

Kyle e' il rabbioso minatore che ha costruito una capanna in mezzo al viale principale dell'anello esterno. Per questo gli altri minatori hanno aperto due porte per passare attraverso la capanna. Ogni volta che qualcuno passa per la sua capanna lo rimproverà. L'eroe e' uno di questi...

Kyle:"How many times I told you not to run through my hut!?"


Eroe:"What's your problem?"

Kyle:"Leave me alone, anyone has a problem with me! It all started when i found this place to sleep. Don't sleep in that passage over there! But none of thoose bastards told me what would happen if I did! When I was returning from the mine... I FOUND A SECOND DOOR! I hate them, I can't tell you how mutch I hate them. Now everyone run through my hut... EVERY IDIOT!!!!
